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Film Reviews

Great Artists in their own words

I found the film very interesting and informative, I learned a few things I didn't know and discovered some inspiring artists. Artists such as Richard Long and Louise Bourjois exhibit how art can be a performance and how the process of making can be more important than the final piece of art. One artist I particularly identified with was Paula Rego. I found her such an inspiring artist in the way she creates a narrative in her paintings and pulls from her own experiences. I liked Boyce's statement on how 'art can heal'. Louise bourgeois specifically shows just how true this is. In her series of work in which she recreated her childhood home in what looked like prisons, she told us this is her way of trying to forget her memories. even though she may never manage to forget, her art is her way of healing.

Hollow Laughter

I really enjoyed the show 'Hollow Laughter'. What Marcel Duchamp said about how anything can be art as long as someone said it is, is very true in today's contemporary art world. I like Duchamp's ready-mades - they're very ironic in how he bought them from a shop and then called them art. I thought the Fluxus movement was interesting - which was led by George Makoons. I really like Makoons' large dice. The Fluxus movement was all about how art was too uptight, Fluxus didn't want art to be serious. Sarah Lucas and Yoko Ono were great examples of artists working in the Fluxus movement as shown in the show. I particularly enjoyed Yoko's Fluxus film.

Grayson Perry - All in the best possible taste

I really enjoyed this programme, it was great seeing how Grayson Perry allowed the taste and culture of those around him to influence his art. I really liked his Final body of work, I thought he did a great job at representing Sunderland taste in his tapestries. It was interesting to see that the people of Sunderland were more likely to spend thousands of pounds on a tattoo than a painting or sculpture. I understand their reasons behind this, as a tattoo is the first thing people would see and it becomes part of them and is a piece of art that will always be with them. I would also say that I agree with how doing up a car can be art in its own way, as it takes a lot of skill, craftsmanship and creativity.

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