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Contemporary Approaches to Drawing

Drawing definition (24/09/2020):

I would define drawing as a piece of artwork created from lines and shading. Typically on a surface, such as paper, using dry materials like graphite, charcoal and crayons. I wouldn’t suggest painting is a method of drawing, as drawing focuses more on tone, shape and form.

Drawing Definition (11/05/2021):

I would define drawing as making marks on a surface, such as paper, to inform or create artwork. Drawing can be used to make quick marks and sketches to further ideas for a final body of artwork. Drawing can also be used to create a final piece of artwork; whether it is detailed or a rough sketch. I would define drawing as using primarily dry media, such as pencil, charcoal, and pen. I would not say that wet media can be used to draw, for example, a detailed oil painting could not be classed as a drawing. 

Project 1



A3 pencil drawing.

Project 2

"Alternative drawing materials".

Burnt wood and match sticks on paper

Melted wax on paper


White pencil on black card


Incense sticks on textured paper


Project 3

"Detailed Close up drawing".

Coloured Pencils on watercolour paper

I really enjoyed creating this detailed shoe drawing, with all the different tones of red. I was inspired by the artist CJ Hendry when creating this drawing.

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Project 5

Three-Dimensional Drawing

Detailed Colour close up

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A3 Pastel pencil drawing

Project 4 - Part 2

Digital Drawing


I created this digital drawing using adobe illustrator. I don't have a drawing tablet so I used my laptop to draw the shoe, which was quite difficult. I kept this quite simple but I like how it turned out. It quite reminds me of pop art in its simplicity and bold blocks of colour.


I decided to turn my digital image into a gif using adobe photoshop. I like how it shows the process of the drawing coming to life from start to finish. I created the gif with three layers: the outline, base colour and then details


After drawing my digital image, I was then inspired to go further with it. Inspired by Andy Warhol's 'Soup Cans' I made this repeat pattern. I quite like how it turned out and I think it would look great as a screen print.


For my three-dimensional drawing, I encountered quite a few challenges. At first, I thought I would recreate the lamp, which I painted as part of my painting project. This did not turn out so well as the materials I had available to me proved difficult in making the sculpture stand up on its own and would keep collapsing in on itself. I then thought I would make clothes horse out of wire, however, the wire I was using was very thin and unsupportive of the structure. I then double the wire over around a chair leg and attached the two ends to a pencil. I then kept twisting the wire until it was much sturdier. This still, however, was not strong enough to hold and support my sculpture. Finally, I came across a roll of strong mesh in my shed, which gave me the idea of making a shopping bag I used often. I used the thin wire that I twisted around as the bag handles and a sheet of cardboard to attach to the base to help it stand up. I then got the idea of taking random everyday objects I found in my bag and placed them inside the bag I had made. These items included a face mask, a receipt, lipstick, a pencil, change, insulin, my purse, Lucozade, air pods, perfume, and a chocolate biscuit. I thought this was a good way to make the sculpture even more personal to me. The fact you can see inside the bag from the outside, which you can never do in normal life, gives people a glimpse into my life and what is personal to me.

Project 6


Project 7

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41 x 16 inches Charcoal Drawing

I linked three and a half pieces of A3 paper to recreate my previous charcoal drawing as I wanted to focus on the facial features more.

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A3 fine liner and water

This was a really fun piece to make. I first sketched it out in fine liner and then added bits of water using a paintbrush to darken some areas and create more tone. This is a zoomed in section of a final piece idea I have for ART180 

A3 charcoal drawing


A digital sketch I made on procreate using the apple pencil.

Project 8

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Project 9 - self negotiated project

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A3 Charcoal drawing

I created this sketch of one of my final piece ideas for ART180. I really enjoyed using charcoal, as it allowed me to relax a lot more when drawing and to sketch quite rough, it was also great for the textures on my jeans and jumper.

A3 Charcoal drawing

This is another final piece idea for ART180, I found it useful to do a quick charcoal sketch first.

A3 Pencil drawing


Digital line drawing created using procreate on an IPad


Digital drawing created on procreate


Digital drawing created using procreate on an IPad with an apple pencil. I used a range of pencil and brush effects including dry ink, pencil, and watercolour.

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Pastel pencil drawing

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